Sunday, May 1, 2011

Getting Started

Well, here I go... my first blog post.  It seems like I have so much to express and few words.  What a stark contrast to some people in my life that have so many words and apparently nothing to express.  Do any of you ever feel like your ears are just full, like eating too much ice cream - you just can't take another bite.  Sometimes I feel like there just isn't any more room in my ears for a single additional word.  So here I am blogging; inspired by my dear friend Stacee who I admire in so many ways.  She is a former co-worker of mine, from my Bristol days.  It was really a short period in time; I only worked there from Memorial Day in 2000 to Labor Day in 2001 (literally, labor day... but I'll expound on that more later).  Just 15 months of my life, but for some reason it seems like such a significant time in my life.  Career wise, I learned more in the first nine months of working there (under the tutelage of my friend and supervisor, Genny) than I have in any other professional experience in my life.  It was really a great time in my life... a time of building lasting friendships and mutual respect for and with my co-workers.  I got married during the time I was there and my last day working there was just a handful of days prior to the birth of my youngest son (as I said, I worked there until labor day... he was born on Sept 5th).  So it was definitely a time of change and a time in my life that changed me forever, and I am so grateful for that.

So I'm wondering today, having spent most of the day in bed, why God created sinuses anyway.  Do they actually serve a purpose?  I've been saying it for 20 years or more... I should own stock in Kleenex!  However, considering the number of tissues I go through, I actually use store brand more than anything else.  Unless it's really, really bad... then I go for the Puffs w/Vicks in them.  They are the best.  They are like heaven.  They cause me to believe that heaven must smell like vapor rub!

I have a little doggie; his name is Gus.  Most of the time he is a wild, out of control mess... but when I'm sick, he seems to know it.  He lays with me as if to protect me or comfort me, pushing himself tightly up against my back or legs, sharing his warmth with me and just being by my side.

I had surgery a couple of times last year, and he was right there with me the whole time.

He's a runner.  I mean, he's really a runner.  If the front door is left cracked for more than 5 seconds he will be 2 miles down the road in no time, running as if he has escaped the worse prison in the world.  Such a hard life my little Gusto has... make that, Such Gusto my little hard-headed doggie has!  And chasing him down the road only makes it worse.  Believe me, we done it enough times to know.  Now I know to go after him in the car and convince him to jump in the car so we can take a ride.  Last time he got out (a couple of weeks ago) he got attacked by a chow dog that belongs to my neighbor's daughter.  It was bad.  All the gnarling and squealing.  I really thought it was going to be the end of him, but he survived.  After we washed off all the mud (and mind you, he had just been to the groomers the day before) I determined that he had one pretty significant cut/bit under his front leg in the armpit area (if dogs have armpits).  He probably needed stitches, but since I had butterfly tapes and steri strips on hand left over from my last surgery, I decided to break out the doctor coat and take care of it myself.  While my doctoring methods may be a bit unorthodox (as they included 25 year old baby undershirts), in the end he is healing well!  I figured if those little tapes could hold me together, they could hold the dog together too.

Well, I feel the need to blow coming on... better grab the box of store brand tissues and get to work.

Thanks for reading; they'll be more to come.